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Chicken soup to inspire the body and soul - Motivation and Inspiration for Living and Loving a Healthy Lifestyle (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

Autor:Jack Canfield
Izdavač:Health Communications
  • Florida
Broj stranica:    364
Godina izdanja:    2003
Napomena:    jezik: engleski
Cijena: 9,95 €74,97 kn
Chicken soup to inspire the body and soul
Chicken soup to inspire the body and soul

Need a physical and spiritual boost to kick the year off right? Need some extra power to reach goals and commitments? With hundreds of exercise plans, diet gurus, and spiritual advisors out there clamoring for airwaves, there's a noticeable void of inspiring stories to give people that extra push to get them started and keep them going

This book is not a replacement for yoga or The Zone; it is a companion – a reminder that hard work and determination really do pay off, and that our bodies are gifts to be cared for and treasured through exercise and healthy living.

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Chicken soup to inspire the body and soul



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Chicken soup to inspire the body and soul


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