Klub "Knjiga znanja"

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Way of the Peaceful Warrior - A Book That Changes Lives

Broj stranica:    210
Godina izdanja:    1984
Napomena:    Knjiga je malo oštećena, rabljena, na engleskom
Cijena: 7,30 €55,00 kn
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Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Way of the Peaceful Warrior is based on the story of Dan Millman, a world champion athlete, who journeys into realms of romance and magic, light and darkness, body, mind, and spirit. Guided by a powerful old warrior named Socrates and tempted by an elusive, playful woman named Joy, Dan is led toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him. Readers join Dan as he learns to live as a peaceful warrior. This international bestseller conveys piercing truths and humorous wisdom, speaking directly to the universal quest for happiness.

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Way of the Peaceful Warrior



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Way of the Peaceful Warrior


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