Klub "Knjiga znanja"

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Over The Top: Revised and updated

Autor:Zig Ziglar
Izdavač:Thomas Nelson Publishers
  • Nashville
Broj stranica:    319
Napomena:    jezik: engleski
Cijena: 11,81 €88,98 kn
Over The Top: Revised and updated
Over The Top: Revised and updated

Mental Traning:Drawing on his forty plus years as a world-class motivated speaker, Ziglar shows precisely how to achieve what people desire most from life -- to be happy, healthy, reasonably prosperous and secure, and to have friends, peace of mind, good family relationships and hope.

Pošalji upit za knjigu:
Over The Top: Revised and updated



Pošalji prijatelju link do knjige:
Over The Top: Revised and updated


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