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100 ways to take better Black and white photographs

Izdavač:David and Charles
  • 0
Uvez:tvrdi s ovitkom
Broj stranica:    144
Godina izdanja:    2005
Napomena:    engleski jezik
Cijena: 17,12 €128,99 kn
100 ways to take better Black and white photographs
100 ways to take better Black and white photographs

This practical guide to the art of black-and-white photography features 100 practical tips to improve your photography. It covers all popular black-and-white subjects, from landscapes and still lifes, to portraits and abstracts. Page-by-page each tip is presented with one of the author's thoughtful and provocative images to illustrate the technique being explained in the text.

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100 ways to take better Black and white photographs



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100 ways to take better Black and white photographs