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How to Hear Your Angels

Autor:Doreen Virtue
Izdavač:Hay House
  • New York
Broj stranica:    174
Godina izdanja:    2007
Napomena:    jezik: engleski
Cijena: 10,49 €79,04 kn
How to Hear Your Angels
How to Hear Your Angels

How to Hear Your Angels is a step-by-step manual on how to clearly receive messages from your angels and guides. The material was culled from Doreen Virtue’s best-selling book Messages from Your Angels and from her workshops. Doreen has been assigning this reading material to her Angel Therapy Practitioner™ students for many years, and at their request has compiled the information in this handy book.

Within these pages, you’ll discover your communication “style” so that you can more easily recognize the visions, words, thoughts, and feelings you receive as Divine guidance. The book is filled with charts to help you discern the difference between true Divine guidance and the voice of the ego, and it will help you engage in clear and understandable conversations with Heaven.

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How to Hear Your Angels



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How to Hear Your Angels


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