Knjiga uputa o preživljavanju u divljini u svim mogućim klimatskim uvjetima, na zemlji, zraku i u vodi. Dobar priručnik jasnih uputa o samojestivom bilju, zaštiti od hladnoće, kako pronaći pitku vodu, zaštititi se od divljih životinja... zlu ne trebalo! Tehnike preživljavanja opisane u ovom priručniku predviđene su za uporabu u krajnjim slučajevima kada je ugrožena sigurnost osoba.
The Survival Skills with Lofty Wiseman is the definitive guide to survival training with the most experienced survival, bushcraft and preparedness expert in the world, best selling author and SAS legend John Lofty Wiseman. All information is presented in an easy to follow format with a revolutionary navigation system allowing to be used as a reference guide, easily looking us any skill directly as well as being an entertaining and insightful presentation to watch from start through to finish.